Artificial Lift Systems



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Jet Pump form
RESP form

Subsurface Jet Pumps

Rotating Right has a wide range of sales and applications expertise for artificial lift products. We specialize in the sales, service and application of jet pumping and reciprocating electric submersible pump systems, and are actively expanding our product line.  We have three Level 1 Hydraulic Pumping Specialists from the National Oilwell/Trico training program.  As most hydraulic systems utilize a plunger pump on surface to provide the high-pressure power fluid, this product line is a natural fit for Rotating Right.

Subsurface Jet Pumps

Rotating Right offers a complete line of jet pumps to address various conditions and hydraulic lift applications.  The jet pump system is normally installed as “Free Pumps” which allows them to be returned to the surface with fluid circulation. Additionally, jet pumps operate very successfully in highly deviated wellbores.

Recognized for their versatility and ability to operate in high-volume, high-depth environments, hydraulic lift systems provide extraordinary flexibility in installation and operation to meet a broad range of artificial lift requirements. Jet pump systems, ranging from operating depths of 500 to 5,000 meters with volumes from 10 to 2,400 cubic meters per day, are designed to maximize production and reduce lifting costs.

Key Benefits

Jet pump lift systems consist of a surface package and a down-hole Jet Pump.  While the jet pump has no moving parts, which makes repair cost negligible, jet pumps can operate multiple wells from a single package.  A major advantage to the jet pump system is the ability to hydraulically circulate the pumps to the surface for maintenance.  This dramatically reduces well downtime and completely eliminates pulling unit expenses associated with retrieving a bottom-hole pump.

Jet pumps can be adapted to run in a wide variety of bottom-hole cavities and down-hole tools. The actual working components of the jet pump are the nozzle, throat and diffuser. These components are assembled in a variety of configurations and materials to suit the production requirements and down-hole environment.

Reciprocating Electric Submersible Pump Design

Reciprocating Electric Submersible Pumps

Reciprocating Electric Submersible Pumps

The RESP's linear motor replaces a pumpjack and sucker rod to drive the reciprocating pump end to lift production to surface. The pump and linear motor are run on the end of tubing, with motor landed at or above perforations so that production cools motor. The power cable is directly connected to the linear motor and banded to tubing as in ESP installations. The controller energizes the motor only when travelling up or down, and the motor is off between strokes which saves energy.

The frequency of the stroke is adjustable between 1.0 - 20.0 strokes/min. by changing the controller parameters. This can be monitored and controlled through our "Smooth Operator" SCADA system.

The RESP innovation has entirely changed the conventional reciprocating pump oil extraction method that has been used in the industry for over a century.

Key Benefits

  • Installs on tubing
  • Can be run in directional or horizontally completed wells
  • Can Eliminate Gas Locking
  • Lower Power Consumption
  • 1 - 20 Strokes Per Minute
  • Rates Up to 1500 bbls/day
  • Motor Tested to Over 300 Degrees Celsius
  • Up to 6500 PSI discharge pressure

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